Android para HP touchpad – Alpha 2.1 liberada

Parece que la versión 2 NO corrige lo que se llama SOD o Screen Of Death, tampoco para mi, de modo que a muchos les está funcionando correctamente con esta pequeña revisión 2.1

Y estas son las opciones que parece que corrige.

* Plugging headphones in should now shut off speaker volume
* Battery drain issues have been (partially) addressed
* More apps now available in market (thanks to Flemmard)
* Temporarily removed suspect fsck_msdos to fix random folder deletion on media/sdcard.
* At least one type of «sleep of death» (TP won’t wake up) has been fixed
* Wifi should no longer hang in sleep
* Vibrator no longer disappears
* Touchscreen no longer unresponsive after sleep
* cifs support added
* Touchstone should now charge better
* fixed broken links resulting from first version of installer (mount now works)
* pptp vpn now works
* OpenVPN TUN support added
* USB mounting in vold added
* Misc. fixes to ACME Installer (more graceful exits, nonstandard LVM media location handling, etc.)
* fixes to surfaceflinger to improve performance
* upstream cm7 changes added

Si ya has instalado la alpha 1, esta versión se instala copiando el fichero a la sd y arrancando desde el boot en cwr como cualquier otra rom de CM7.

Los enlaces de descarga:……

md5: 43e811fc10da37696a6fce20d6118bb2

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Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/owe3737lszkr/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-comment-query.php on line 399

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